Thursday 10 November 2016


WWW: The work that you have on your blog is interesting, but sadly unfinished. Your fruit bowl is creative and shows an understanding of colour palettes and their purpose. There could be a more detailed analysis though, explaining why such colours appeal to your target audience. You have a great technical ability though Kamaldeep, I would really like to see this reflected in your blog posts!
EBI: Your storyboard has a good variety of camera shots but the labelling and analysis of these needs to be completed and more detailed. There are a few pieces of work missing from your blog, perhaps they are in your drafts? These need to be completed urgently; otherwise you will fall behind in this subject. It is essential that you show your comprehension of basic Media concepts and terminology before you begin assignment 1. Ask me for help to complete your analysis of representation for your LIAR work.

LR: Complete and post all missing blog tasks. Add more to your storyboard analysis, reflecting on why you chose certain shots and their purpose.